The Joe & Ruthella Graham Family
by Ruthella Graham
Joe and Ruthella Graham moved to the Cochrane area in August of 1987, and began attending All Saints' shortly after.
The organist at that time (Merry Jo Smith) could not attend each week, so Ruthella offered to fill in as necessary. This became full time shortly after.
Over the ensuing eight years, a variety of musical adventures took place. Interested parishioners were invited to form a chorus for special events such as Christmas and Easter.
Originally we called ourselves The All Saints Singers but once the acronym was recognized, quickly changed that to Singers from All Saints.
What was lacking in expertise was more than offset in enthusiasm. The Lessons and Carols service at Christmas was an especially memorable event, with some of the children being involved as well.
A variety of contemporary songs and choruses were introduced to the services, and the All Saint Song Book was put together, thanks to the computer skills of the Archers.
During this period, a licensing agreement to meet copyright requirements was initiated and maintained.
The building had always had acoustical challenges, and one attempt to enhance the sound saw the organ placed for a short time at the back of the church. While those who sat at the rear found it helpful, keeping in time with the Rector and those at the front was problematic and led to some interesting musical splits.
One year, a Junior Organist program was instituted to encourage youth in the parish to share their musical talents.
The children came during the week to practice with Ruthella and then played once a month during a service.
When the decision was made to replace the organ with an electronic keyboard, Ruthella worked with John Woodruff in gathering information and trying out various models.
Ruthella also sat on the liturgy and worship committee during this period and assisted in music selection.
Joe was Rector's Warden for several years. With his special carpentry skills and industry, he became quickly involved in the maintenance and upgrades to the old fabric of All Saints.
A new fence was built, platform and altar rail redesigned and constructed , exterior repainted, rector's office constructed in the hall and a beautiful exterior sign constructed. For the celebration of the All Saints centennial, Joe built a miniature replica of the old church which was pulled by miniature horses in the Labour Day Parade and won a first place ribbon.
A unique space—saving Advent Wreath was constructed with a rope and pulley system to suspend it in mid air and lower it for the lighting ceremony. A lovely decorative feature for several years was a large wire mesh cross which Joe constructed for children to insert daffodils on Easter Sunday.
These were busy and productive times shared in Christian love with current and past members of All Saints in Cochrane.