ACW Activities & Accomplishments
by Sharon Barnden
Oyer the years the ACW of All Saints has accomplished a great deal in our community. They have brought together women in worship to carry on a minisrty of social fellowship and outreach.
They have fed and feted us at events such as the Eastern Star Teas, Palliser Deanery meetings, World Day of Prayer, Parish Picnics, Bishop's Reception, funerals, confirmations, and anniveraries.
They have raised funds with great determination by holding bazaars, bake sales, soup kitchens, selling cookbooks, and giving dinner shows.
They have made church banners and altar hangings to beautify the church and glorify God.
The ACW started a Little Helpers group, and organized an Interfaith Walk-a-Mile event.
They have donated funds to numerous missions and needy groups, including the Leprosy Mission of Canada, Marney Patterson mission, College of Emmanuel & St. Chad, Calgary Diocesan Teen Camp, Clergy Wives of the North, Diocesan Vanning Program, Jean Boyd Ministry. Salve Aid, Entheos Retreat House, and Cochrane Library.
For the Vestry of All Saints Parish they have provided funds year after year, and purchased items for the church hall.
They have done all of this and more, with generously open hearts and wallets.
These women have pitched in wheneyer they were asked—and even when they weren’t. It was done as God's work, and with the enjoyment of fellowship as an extra bonus.
Some memories of All Saints Parish...
Over the last couple of years the History Committee has interviewed some of the older members of the All Saints former clergy and congregation. Their accounts follow.