The Blood Family
by Melva Blood
Melva and Wayne Blood, with their daughters Heather and Brenda, lived at Scott Lake Hill on the TransCanada Highway when the family began travelling to Cochrane to attend All Saints Anglican Church in l966.
Melva assisted Leigh and Jean Blackwell with Sunday School at the Cochrane Community Hall. She played the piano for Sunday School and Christmas pageants.
Melva particularly remembers playing Onward Christain Soldiers so the children could march to warm up on cold early mornings while the one furnace struggled to heat the hall.
Melva recalls that during a Christmas pageant, about 1974, her son Ross used his shepherd's cane to shoot the congregation. (That's not so bad: Marina Endicott remembers her son Will Ormshaw using the crucifix as a machine gun on one awful Sunday.)
In 1969 the Bloods moved into Cochrane on Cochrane Crescent and became more involved in the church. Melva shared organist duties with Edith Robinson at Sunday worship during the years that Canon Hill, who was a nearby neighbor in the rectory, was incumbent priest from 1972 to 1978. She was also a member of the ACW.
After Edie Robinson retired from playing the organ, and during Canon Hill's time. Melva played the organ for services and for the Christmas concerts. She and Pearl Parker took turns playing at the services.
Heather was confirmed by Bishop Goodman in 1975 after preparation by Canon Hill. Brenda was confirmed by Bishop Goodman in 1978. Brother Ross was born in 1969, baptized by Reverend Howes in October 1970 and confirmed in 1982 by Bishop Goodman.
Melva recalls the family attending church picnics at the Petrofina recreation area west of Cochrane where Leigh Blackwell and Larry McClennon helped with the games.
Melva's husband Wayne passed away on 29th September, 1998. His funeral service was held at St. Andrew's United Church, with Bishop Ford and Reverend Don Koots of the United Church officiating.
Melva's daughter Brenda now lives in Hinton, Alberta with her children Chelsea, aged 12, and Gavin, aged 9. A proud grandmother, Melva visits often. Her daughter Heather and her son Ross still reside in the Cochrane area.